Delaware Correctional Industries (DCI) is proud to provide an array of products and services to State Agencies, non-profit organizations, private sector businesses, and community members. DCI trains and employs inmates in Delaware's correctional facilities in the fields of garment production, metal design, state-owned fleet vehicle maintenance, embroidery, silk screening, custom furniture production & repair, upholstery, and printing. The cost to administer these vocational programs is partially offset by product sales.
DCI is focused on assisting offenders with developing marketable job skills, teaching work ethic and application of these principles to post-prison employment, as well as providing market quality goods and services to its customers at a competitive price. DCI is committed to the Department of Correction's goal of reducing recidivism and promoting the successful reentry of inmates to the community. Vocational programs in prisons have been shown to reduce recidivism rates among participants and increase future employment prospects. A review of twenty six studies of vocational education and correctional industries programs indicated an 11% reduction in recidivism as a result of program participation.
DCI is often able to provide competitive pricing on a variety of items. We invite you to browse our website to explore the wide variety of products and services that DCI offers. If you are interested in a product not listed on our site, please contact our staff, who are standing by to assist you.